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Courtesy Victoria ZangaraIn the past, acquiring or keeping homeowners’ insurance didn’t present much of a problem. There was roughly a 10% to 12% increase in homeowners’ insurance costs last year in the United States, said Mark Friedlander, spokesperson for the Insurance Information Institute, a nonprofit industry association. Jim Watson/AFP/Getty ImagesHomeowners who have a mortgage are not able to go without homeowners insurance as their mortgage servicer will require an escrow account for insurance. Some 6 million homeowners chose to forgo homeowners insurance, according to a report from the Consumer Federation of America. They have lived in their home for 19 years and had a policy with Foremost Insurance, paying about $1,910 a year.
Persons: Alfredo Herrera, Herrera, Zangara, , , ” Herrera, policyholders, Mark Friedlander, Neil Fernandes, Fernandes, David Swanson, Matthew Carletti, Jim Watson, Diana Troxell, Diana Wright Troxell, Bruce, ” CNN’s Ella Nilsen Organizations: New, New York CNN, Louisiana Citizens, , National Oceanic, Atmospheric Administration, Louisiana State University, Insurance Information Institute, Farmers Insurance, Farmers, AAA, CNN, Firefighters, Reuters, State, Citizens Property Insurance, JMP Securities, Getty, Homeowners, Consumer Federation of America, CFA, Social Security, Foremost Insurance, California FAIR, FAIR Locations: New York, New Orleans, City, Louisiana, New Orleans , Louisiana, America, United States, Santa Clarita , California, California, Florida, Sycamore, Whittier , California, AFP, Cottonwood , California,
Tens of thousands of people are scrambling for homeowners insurance in Louisiana at the peak of hurricane season after recent storms drove their carriers out of business. Massive claims from those storms drove large national insurance companies to scale back their coverage and remaining companies to jack up rates. The strategy seemed to work: Rates eventually stabilized, although Louisiana remained one of the most expensive states for homeowners insurance. That pushed the small insurance companies to their financial limits and squeezed reinsurers, who raised their rates. The state insurer’s rolls, which totaled 34,500 in August 2020, ballooned to about 110,000 last week.
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